Saturday, November 30, 2013

Suck it up, buttercup

Last week saw a bit of a plateau for my knee. Got some more needling, soft tissue work and new rehab exercises, and I can see a bit more progress. I can also pinpoint exactly where it hurts, but I can't decide if that's a good thing or not.

In the mean time, I've been stepping up my training, and have been trying my best to kill myself on every workout. Gotta push the pace to hit rank 1 in February.

I'm also excited because I get to add in some bag work next week! Yay!!! So starting next week, I'm adding in some low impact cardio on Friday's and bag work on Wednesday's in addition to the regular workouts. And farmer walks...and GHD's...I'm so excited!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Isn't It Ironic...

Everything, except my legs obviously, feels the strongest they've been. Ever. And I'm injured. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say it's because my cardio workouts are virtually non-existent, thus lifting is all I've got right now.

My knee is feeling surprisingly good lately. Must be the squats and lunges working all the cobwebs out.

In regards to kettlebells, I'm finally getting back up there. I was able to push some heavy jerks over the weekend, and today did some heavy LC as well.

Saturday's KB work: 3:00/3:00 jerks on 12kg, 10/10 jerks on 16kg, 5/5 jerks on 20kg

Today: 2:30/2:30 LC on 16kg (pushed 8 reps a minute, need to get the reps up there so I can make rank 1 in February), then 1:00/1:00 LC on the 20kg at 6 reps each hand

Not too shabby, though I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2 Months Post-Injury...

And I can finally squat parallel! And lunge relatively pain free! All with no weights, but one step at a time. Which, again, is so freakin' hard when your mentality just wants to push hard all the time.

How am I getting better? Trigger point dry needling (and following what Mark says). Basically an acupuncture needle is used to get a fast twitch response from your muscles releasing knots or "gunk". It's truly a life saver and I'd be a long way from where I am right now if it weren't for it. I've had a lot of areas needled for various things; shoulders, traps, lats, rotator cuffs from Muay Thai or "touch up" work from kettlebells; the areas next to the spine and lower lat from kettlebells; calves from running or training; quads and IT band for various reasons; and now I can add glute and abductor/adductor to the list. It isn't exactly fun while getting it done, as seen below by my facial expression, but the results are amazing.

So, more of the same for workouts, but I now get to add in weighted single leg deadlifts and body weight squats and lunges.

Kettlebell work is progressing slowly. I tore my hand Monday doing pull-ups, but that was after a blistering snatch sprint set on Friday and and long cycle on Monday. Friday was 6 rounds of 1min each hand followed by a 1min rest on the 12kg. I got 20 each hand on the first set, then 24 each hand the next five rounds with the exception of my very last round with my right hand. I felt my palm shift and decided 6 reps wasn't worth a bloody mess. Monday I got 3mins each hand on LC on the 16kg, just kept a steady 6reps per minute. Wasn't great, but it's mostly my grip and rack at this point. Legs seem to be holding up fine.

So...all in all, I'm feeling better. I long to kick or knee something, but being this much closer to fully functional makes me happy.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Training from last week through today

Doug has started new programming for me, so it's been a strange transition and has had some tweaking going on based on schedule, etc.

Monday & Thursday are chest and back days,
Tuesday & Friday are arms and legs.
Wednesday & Saturday are shoulders and abs.
PT/Rehab work daily.

And somewhere in the middle of it all, still have to get in my kettlebell work, since we are officially going to San Francisco in February!!! Time to get my rank 1 on the 16kg so I can start to work towards the 24kg in November!

I'm now on an A week and B week schedule. Some days are the same each week based on my schedule and my knee's limitations.

So far this week:
  • Monday: 10x6 - DB press/DB 1-arm rows, push-ups/pull-ups (I STILL hurt from this, STILL), and 1:00 each arm long cycle sprint sets (x5) on the 16kg
  • Tuesday: 10x6 - RDL's/skull crushers
  • Wednesday: 2:00 each hand 16KG LC set, 2:00 each hand 14KG Jerks, 10x6 shoulder press/plate raises, then PT in the evening
  • Today: 10x6 incline press/BB rows
On the PT, I have much better range of motion of this week. I get to work on properly loading my left knee/glute this week. My needling session last night was AWFUL. I still have sore spots today, but am so close to having the exact same range of motion as my right side!!! YAY! I am happy with the progress I'm making, but still frustrated it's going to be a long process. 8-10 more weeks until I'm close to 100%. That's a hard pill to swallow. But, with how much I do, need to make sure everything is properly prepared to use again. It's absolutely killing me that I can't kick anything. Or squat. Or lunge. Or jump...the list goes on. Just have to remind myself to be patient.