Saturday, December 21, 2013

Feeling a little...ranty.

I'm a little sandy today. Just a touch. 2 things I can't stand:
1 - don't get upset when a girl beats you at something. Us women-folk can work just as hard, if not harder, as most men. There's this thing called progress and when a female finally realizes her potential, awesome things can happen!
2 - I am injured. I am still training to the best of physical ability. I am working my ass off. I can't kick 100% on my left leg? Ok, I guess I'll give 110% on my punches, right knee and right kick. I can't run? No big deal, I can row, hop on the air dyne or jump rope. I can still just about make myself throw up, with half a leg. I'm still hitting PR's on kettlebell work. You're healthy and uninjured? Why are you sandbagging shit? Are you afraid of sweat? Hard work? Progress? Why are you willing to give less than your best?

That's all for today.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I've been having a craptastic last 2 weeks with kettlebell training. Something has gone wrong in almost every set. My forearms or grip wore out, I rested too long and didn't get close to the reps I set as a goal, my traps or shoulders hurt, just something was always sore or not right. And then FINALLY yesterday happened. I was still ever so slightly sore from last week, but not overly so. But, I warmed up exactly how I wanted and felt decent. Not great, not good, not bad, but decent. "Decent" days are the days I perform best. Too much rest - I burn out too quick, not enough rest - I just suck. So, I finally hit my mark on my 10:00 set on the 16kg. 80 reps! That's AKA Rank 1 if I don't cut any weight, if I do cut a few pounds, that's 4 reps over Rank 1. So very happy! Now, just to figure out my breathing on my right arm so I'm not sprinting 12 reps the last minute. After my set, and laying on the floor for a minute or 5, I even got in some heavy jerks on the 20kg. The 24, however, was not happening yesterday.

And then, more spectacularness! I had my 5x5 push-ups/pull-ups, and I was able to get all 5 pull-ups in a row, no bands needed! Each round!

AND THEN, I went down to Thai class and could kick a little bit harder on my left leg, though it's still pretty weak, it's at least something! And killed everything else! Hands were heavy and right kick felt great.

My knee is a little stiff this morning, but not painful. It mostly feels tired now, like just that leg ran a marathon.

Anyway, I'm glad I got over the last plateau and have been making awesome progress the last few weeks. I've gotten a ton of range of motion back and have been steadily adding in crazier and harder PT work - like single leg squats off of a box and single leg split squat jumps.

Let's hope this week keeps on rockin'.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The world is smaller than my dreams...

Monday and Tuesday of this week sucked. I mentally couldn't get into my kettlebell work, and it suffered big time. I was supposed to do my 10 minute set on the 16 Monday, and my traps were fried, so I did some volume work, but just couldn't focus. I'm pretty sure I also didn't warm up enough, so that affected things as well. Tuesday I tried to do my heavy sets with the 20, and again couldn't get into it mentally, and kept dropping the bell in my sets. I barely got two 1 minute sets in before stopping. Worst thing is, I did a fantastic body weight workout Tuesday before kickboxing, and was feeling amazing, and then crapped out on the kettlebell work. Not happy.

That was amazing contrast compared to last week, when I was hitting 9-10 reps a minute on my sprint sets. I hit 42 reps in 5 minutes on one hand in another session. I felt amazing last week, and killed all my workouts. So maybe the start of this week was just recovery from last week?

Yesterday I took it easy. My traps, lats and rotator cuffs were pretty shot, and my knee wasn't feeling spectacular either. I ended up doing a 5 rounder of 5 pike push-ups and some side-to-side presses and a little ab work.

I also got more needling done. It's gotten progressively "better", or easier to handle. I also had most pain-free week since my knee injury - it didn't start bothering me until Tuesday! Yay! I hit a plateau 2 weeks ago, and have been on a roll the last 2 weeks. I had assisted box steps on a 12" box last week, and progressed to a higher box and no assistance by the beginning of this week. Which is exciting to me. This week I get to start on teeny tiny box jumps on the 12" box, with controlled "falling" off of the box, and single leg squats off of the box too (not to be confused with pistols).

All in all, I'm feeling much better today. Ready to get back to the kettlebell, and check back in mentally.