Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Room by room, patiently

So it's two and half weeks removed from the West Coast Classic in San Fran which allows me the proper time to digest everything.

My thoughts on the competition:
  1. Ice Chamber always puts on such an awesome event. Everyone there is so nice, it's like our West Coast home.
  2. There are a lot of people doing some awesome things. From little tiny Mia who has done 20+ competitions, to Jess lifting at 8mos pregnant, to really anyone who has the balls to get up and lift.
  3. I finally hit 200 damn reps on the 12kg. Finally. Was it pretty? No, my left side will never be pretty again, but I did it. (Here's the end of my set)
  4. I had a few no-counts, but they were deserved. I saw where they happened. I ain't mad.
  5. I finally went over 5 minutes on my right arm. At Nationals 2014, I only made 4 minutes on my right "good" side.
  6. I know I can lift the 16kg, but it's going to take a lot longer than I originally anticipated. A lot longer. But it's doable, just probably not this year.
  7. I need more time on the 10kg to smooth out the left side.
  8. It felt amazing to be on the platform after such a long lay off!
What's next? I've been sick for 2 weeks and am finally getting back into really working out this week. Since I didn't really do much before yesterday, when I did my shoulder work last night everything felt very weak and unstable overhead, so I'm taking a little time off from lifting kettlebells until I can get that back under control.

Next kettlebell competition? I'm really not sure. I finally hit my goal on the 12kg, so I'm don't particularly want to compete on it again. But I know I won't be ready for the 16kg anytime soon. So it's pretty up in the air. Maybe nothing until San Fran again next year? All I know is I'm not going to sweat it or get all uppity and antsy - when I'm ready, I'll be ready. Until then, judgey pants. After seeing the judging at Worlds in November, we'll all be strict as ever.

Next competition? A powerlifting competition. Why? Because why not?! I'm trying to get a feel for what I can maybe do long term for the next 10-15 years. If I can't lift a bell, I can always squat and deadlift! I'll just suck horrifically bad at bench. And once that goes to hell, I'll do some single lifts.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

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