Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Progress Is Sloooooowwwwww...

I'm slowly figuring out what I can and cannot do as my knee is healing. I can do long cycle with the 12kg now, which makes me happy, but it's stupid light so I have to go at breakneck speed in order to work up even a little sweat, and I can't go 10 minutes yet because of the repetitive motion/impact so. I can't squat but I can hi the tire with a hammer, which is very gratifying. I can do straight leg deadlifts, I can use the air dyne and use the rower very slowly to increase my ROM. Yesterday Doug had me start sitting on a bench and getting up again, about 20 reps making sure I don't push through my strong/healthy side too much in order to get my depth on my ROM even better too. Progress is slow though. If I pull my shoe on or off just wrong, it tweaks my knee. If I trip over something or catch my foot on something, it tweaks it. But, I can finally cross my legs!!! Yay!!! As an avid leg crosser at work, this makes me very happy!

Anyway, what are my plans for today? This, and hopefully it'll be as hellacious in real life as it is in my mind.
Shoulders and Abs (shoulders are always superset in 10reps/6sets; DB = dumbbell; abs are 3 rounds):

  • DB shoulder press/DB front raises
  • rear delt flyes/plate raises
  • decline rear flyes/plate circles
  • piston presses/side raises
  • 20/20 standing oblique plate raises
  • 20 med ball toe touch crunches
  • 10 12-6 sit-ups w/ med ball (only 10 because the abmat makes me want to throw up)

Cardio, 1 min ea., 5 rounds:
  • KB snatches
  • KB snatches
  • hammer tire
  • air dyne
  • negative leg raises
  • rest
Seems like a lot, but let's face it, I haven't done cardio since my knee got injured, so whatever definition (abs, arms, a little on the legs, etc.) I had is long gone. Time to get my ass in gear.

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